Must-have features to manage products in your online store Thu, 25 May 2023 18:47:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sell Products in Fractional Quantities Thu, 09 Apr 2020 01:56:19 +0000 For some types of products, it’s rare for an entire unit to be sold at one time. For example, an online fabric store is far more likely to sell cloth by the yard or foot rather than selling it by the bolt. Wiring components, housewares, custom mixed paint, and many more products are also frequently […]

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For some types of products, it’s rare for an entire unit to be sold at one time. For example, an online fabric store is far more likely to sell cloth by the yard or foot rather than selling it by the bolt. Wiring components, housewares, custom mixed paint, and many more products are also frequently sold in fractional quantities. If you sell items like these, you’re in need of a tool to ensure you can properly sell them as intended on your store, without having to opt for custom programming or an expensive third-party app to make it possible.

Shift4Shop has a built-in Fractional Quantities feature you can fully customize to fit the exact needs of your products and business. Specify minimum and maximum quantities as necessary for each product, set fractional limits that round up to the next acceptable quantity, specify exact amounts for the customer to choose from, and more. You can even give your customers absolute freedom to pick a quantity themselves. It’s all up to you and what you need for your store!

Top Features

  • Add the ability to purchase Fractional Quantities of any product, as needed.
  • Allow open quantities completely controlled by the customer, or limit them by multiples of a base amount or by pre-defined numbers.
  • Freely set minimum and maximum quantities that work with any of the quantity selection methods you use.


Shift4Shop’s Fractional Quantities Feature Gallery


Fractional Quantities Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I get Fractional Quantities on my online store?

Unlike other eCommerce platforms, Shift4Shop has Fractional Quantities built in for all store owners with no extra purchase needed. Simply go to the “Advanced” Tab on any product in your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager, check to enable the feature and define your needed quantities.

  • What are Open Fractional Quantities?

Open Fractional Quantities are the simplest method for selling custom quantities of a product. This setting adds a field to the Product Page where a customer can enter the exact amount they want to purchase. You can leave the quantity open and still limit a minimum and maximum amount by setting these in the product’s Advanced tab, and leaving the “Allow only multiples” box unchecked.

  • How can I limit Fractional Quantities?

There are two ways to limit Fractional Quantities: you can force the customer’s entered quantity to round up to the next multiple of the minimum amount by checking the “Allow only multiples” box mentioned above, or you can set predefined quantities for customers to select from a dropdown menu. Use the method that works best for your business’s needs.

Fractional Quantities Testimonials

“Selling fabric online used to be hard, but thanks to 3dcart it’s easy for me now. I have some fabrics that I sell only by the yard, while for others I can sell them by the half-yard or less. Plus I also sell cording and yarn, which I measure completely differently. I’ve never before used a feature for fractional quantities that was so simple and customizable, so I can set each product up exactly how it needs to be, not to mention it’s included free in the software!”

Anonymous April 9, 2020

The post Sell Products in Fractional Quantities appeared first on Shift4Shop.

eCommerce Inventory Management Fri, 07 Dec 2018 18:50:36 +0000 Running an online store means keeping a lot of things organized at all times. But people are human and make mistakes, especially during busy sales periods. One slip-up when calculating inventory and you can soon find that you’ve sold more of an item than you actually have, which will lead to lost sales and angry […]

The post eCommerce Inventory Management appeared first on Shift4Shop.

Running an online store means keeping a lot of things organized at all times. But people are human and make mistakes, especially during busy sales periods. One slip-up when calculating inventory and you can soon find that you’ve sold more of an item than you actually have, which will lead to lost sales and angry customers. You need a way to keep track of inventory, and schedule reordering in time to prevent these problems. And even if you do keep perfect numbers, how do you deal with products that are out of stock? Can customers backorder them or is their only option to leave and shop from your competitor? Let our Inventory Control help you with all of your eCommerce inventory management needs.

While many eCommerce platforms leave you on your own when it comes to inventory, Shift4Shop comes with a full set of tools for managing all aspects of inventory control. Keep track of your exact stock numbers with automatic reductions when customers place orders. Set up Stock Alert emails to remind yourself to resupply products when inventory reaches a certain threshold. You also have complete control over what happens when an item does run out of stock — you can hide it completely, allow back orders, or let customers sign up on a waiting list to be informed when you re-stock. Shift4Shop’s Inventory Control features will greatly streamline your day-to-day business operations!

Top Features

  • Accurate tracking of stock levels for each product, with configurable Stock Alerts when inventory is low
  • Set out-of-stock products to show as “Out of Stock,” allow Back Orders, use Waiting Lists, or opt to hide the product
    completely until stock is replenished
  • Configure settings on a store-wide basis or change them per item, including individual item variants (through Advanced Options)


Inventory Control Feature in Action


Inventory Control Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I start using these Inventory Control features?

Inventory Control is turned on by default in Shift4Shop stores, but you can check to be sure it’s active by going to Settings in your left-hand menu, followed by General and then by Store Settings. You’ll find Inventory Control towards the right side of the page. Make sure the box is checked and then click Save at the top right of the window.

  • Can I configure some of the out-of-stock items individually and still handle the rest globally?

Yes. To do this, set up your global options first, and choose the options that you want to apply to the majority of your products (e.g. Back Order, Waiting Lists, etc.). These are accessed through the General settings described above. Afterward, you can configure per-item settings through your Product List. In the per-item Inventory Control settings, “Default” will follow the global setting.

  • How do I use Stock Alerts and when does it send the alert email?

You can assign Stock Alerts per item through Inventory Options. The number you enter in the Stock Alert field is the threshold that your stock must fall below in order to trigger the alert. For example, if you want to be alerted when you have 10 of a product remaining, enter 11 in the Stock Alert field. If you only want to be alerted when you run completely out of stock, enter a 1 in the field and you’ll receive the Stock Alert when the number falls to zero.


Inventory Control Feature Testimonials

“I’ve been selling online for some time but I never made my own website before. I sold mostly on eBay. So when I started looking into online store builders I was already thinking I’d have to track everything manually again. I sell a lot of different items and some of them are very similar, so I’ve made mistakes before with my inventory. So you can understand how I felt when I discovered the inventory features in Shift4Shop! It keeps track of everything and you can connect it to eBay and it keeps track of that too. So I still sell there and I also have my own website now, with no inventory mistakes ever”

The post eCommerce Inventory Management appeared first on Shift4Shop.

Product Comparison Tool Fri, 07 Dec 2018 16:52:50 +0000 Many customers are careful shoppers. That’s often why they shop online in the first place — they want to view products side-by-side, compare them across multiple data points, and pick the best for their needs. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy for a customer to compare products, as many online stores don’t have any built-in method […]

The post Product Comparison Tool appeared first on Shift4Shop.

Many customers are careful shoppers. That’s often why they shop online in the first place — they want to view products side-by-side, compare them across multiple data points, and pick the best for their needs. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy for a customer to compare products, as many online stores don’t have any built-in method for making these comparisons. Customers shopping from those eCommerce websites will often find themselves opening multiple tabs and clicking back and forth to look at different products. Why not save them the trouble? You can with the product comparison app.

Shift4Shop’s built-in Product Comparison module makes it incredibly simple to let your customers compare products whenever they choose. Select from numerous parameters to let the customer compare by, so they can view products side-by-side and see the differences in price, weight, dimensions, shipping, features, and much more. This makes it much easier for customers to decide and provides a level of convenience that will build trust and loyalty to your business.

Top Features

  • Activate multiple comparison points in seconds, by checking their boxes in the Shift4Shop Online Store Manager
  • Compare all types of information including anything you’ve placed in Extra Fields 1 through 5 in your Product Information
  • Customers can compare up to 4 products at once across all the parameters you’ve activated

Shift4Shop’s Product Comparison Tool Gallery

Product Comparison Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the minimum comparison points I should enable for customers to use?

Customers are going to be concerned with price, features, and possibly size and weight depending on the product. That being said, you should still enable all the relevant comparison points in your store, even though these are the most common.

  • How do I get the Product Comparison module?

Product Comparison is included for free in Plus and higher Shift4Shop plans. You can find it in the left-hand menu under Modules within your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager. To enable it, check the Enable check box and check the comparison points you want to use.

  • What are the data points that can be compared by Product Comparisons?

Products can be compared by:

o Length
o Width
o Product Features
o Height
o Price
o Extra Field 1 through 5
o Free Shipping
o Weight


Product Comparison Feature Testimonials

“Once again I find myself impressed by how easy Shift4Shop makes it to do things. I sell electronics, including multiple generations of iPods and other music players, and I know for a fact it’s hard to keep track of the exact differences between them, especially things like storage space and compatible music file types. I added Shift4Shop’s product comparisons and made sure that information was listed in the features for each player. My sales actually went up. I think customers must have been getting tired of trying to compare them and giving up before. This module has made a huge difference!”

The post Product Comparison Tool appeared first on Shift4Shop.

Product Questions and Answers Thu, 26 Jul 2018 19:56:25 +0000 Sometimes a customer just has a simple question to ask before they make a purchase, and a Q&A section gives them the ability to do so. Other customers with the same questions can browse to find answers, reducing repetitive messages to the merchant. In these ways, Q&A sections save everyone time and help customers make […]

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Sometimes a customer just has a simple question to ask before they make a purchase, and a Q&A section gives them the ability to do so. Other customers with the same questions can browse to find answers, reducing repetitive messages to the merchant. In these ways, Q&A sections save everyone time and help customers make smart buying decisions.

Your Shift4Shop store comes with a built-in Questions and Answers feature created to easily integrate this valuable functionality into your product pages with no need for technical knowledge. Approve and answer questions, and give your customers the option to help each other as well through this vital module.

Top Features

  • Customers can ask questions answerable by staff and other customers
  • Questions and answers remain visible on product page
  • Questions can be rated for helpfulness


Inventory Control Feature in Action


Shift4Shop’s Product Questions & Answers Feature Gallery

Product Questions & Answers Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is the Q&A module enabled by default?

No, you will need to turn it on yourself in your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager. Click Modules in the left-hand navigation and either scroll down or use the search bar to find Product Questions & Answers. There, you will find a check box to enable this feature.

  • Can I get spammed through the question form?

You can enable a CAPTCHA that will prevent bots from being able to use the form, thus preventing spam. You can also approve questions and answers manually to prevent bad answers from appearing, but the CAPTCHA is still recommended.

  • Can I restrict these questions to registered users of my site?

Yes, in the Product Q&A module dashboard, check the box labeled Require Login. If you leave this unchecked, questions and answers can be submitted anonymously.


Product Questions & Answers Feature Testimonials

“The Q&A module has really cut down on the emails I get asking me for product
information. It also helps a lot because sometimes I just don’t know the answer, like when a customer asks me about a product I sell but have never used myself. Instead of me trying my best to guess, another customer can come along and give an informed answer. It’s just perfect.”

July 26, 2018

The post Product Questions and Answers appeared first on Shift4Shop.

Product Gift Wrapping Module Thu, 26 Jul 2018 19:03:10 +0000 Gift wrapping is an extremely popular request among customers, whether shopping online or at a retail location. During the holidays, the demand for gift wrapping shoots even higher. Offering gift wrap options for your products is a solid strategy all year long, as customers appreciate the time and effort you save for them. Shift4Shop comes […]

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Gift wrapping is an extremely popular request among customers, whether shopping online or at a retail location. During the holidays, the demand for gift wrapping shoots even higher. Offering gift wrap options for your products is a solid strategy all year long, as customers appreciate the time and effort you save for them.

Shift4Shop comes with a built-in Gift Wrapping module that gives you complete freedom in how you offer gift wrapping, allowing you to create unlimited gift wrap options and control their visibility and pricing individually. You can create, name, and enable gift wrapping options as your store requires.



Top Features

  • Create unlimited gift wrapping options with configurable pricing
  • Hide individual gift wrap options with a click, such as holiday wrapping during the off season
  • Omit products from gift wrapping as needed

Shift4Shop’s Gift Wrapping Module Gallery

Gift Wrapping Module Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I activate the Gift Wrapping module?

Under Modules in your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager, use the Search Bar or scroll down until you find Gift Wrapping. Click to expand the module, activate it, and access its settings.

  • How do I edit the “Sending a Gift?” text?

You can change this text in Store Language, which is found under Design in Settings in your Shift4Shop Online Store Builder. Once in the Store Language section, type “giftwrap” in the Search Bar to quickly access the text field.

  • What’s the best way to stop offering gift wrapping during the holiday off season?

If you don’t want to offer any gift wrap options at all for part of the year, the best way is to turn the module completely off. You can activate or deactivate the module with one click and all your settings will be saved.


Gift Wrapping Feature Testimonials

“I originally set up the Gift Wrapping just to offer a basic wrapping option, but then I added another one called Deluxe which includes extra ribbons and a bow. Later I got creative and added a ton of different options, so now my customers can choose basic free gift wrap, Deluxe in 4 colors, and some holiday themes too. I’ve received positive feedback saying my customers like having a choice as to how it’s wrapped… they don’t mind paying a little extra because it saves them so much time!”

July 26, 2018

The post Product Gift Wrapping Module appeared first on Shift4Shop.

Make-an-Offer Price Haggling Feature Thu, 06 Jul 2017 13:33:48 +0000 Customers love a good bargain, and what’s more of a bargain than letting them name their own price? Shift4Shop’s Make an Offer feature allows your customers to submit an offer when buying a product, which you can then accept or reject, or set to automatically approve if the offer is within your specified range. Bids […]

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Customers love a good bargain, and what’s more of a bargain than letting them name their own price? Shift4Shop’s Make an Offer feature allows your customers to submit an offer when buying a product, which you can then accept or reject, or set to automatically approve if the offer is within your specified range. Bids that are too low will be automatically be rejected by default— the module takes care of everything.

You can enable Make an Offer on specific products that you want your customers to be able to bid on. They can bid by clicking the Make an Offer button and entering their offered price, contact information, and an optional comment. Increase sales and customer engagement, appeal to shoppers’ bargaining sense, and gain an advantage over your competition with this handy app.

Top Features

  • Choose whether to automatically approve offers that meet your criteria
  • Define the lowest acceptable offer through a percentage or a price limit
  • Optionally require customers to register and log in to make offers


Shift4Shop’s Make an Offer Feature in Action


Shift4Shop’s Make an Offer Feature Gallery


Make an Offer Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I customize the look of the Make an Offer form?

Yes! You can customize the appearance of the entire form in your Shift4Shop Online Store Builder.

  • How long do automatically approved offers stay valid?

You can configure this in the settings under Make an Offer in the Modules page by clicking Change Settings. The default is 48 hours before an approved offer expires and the customer cannot claim it. If the offer expires, the customer will need to make another.

  • How do I activate Make an Offer?

Under Modules in your Shift4Shop Online Store Builder, locate Make an Offer and click Change Settings. In this screen, you can turn the module on or off and customize other options.


Make an Offer Feature Testimonials

The post Make-an-Offer Price Haggling Feature appeared first on Shift4Shop.

Unlimited Product Options or Variants Tue, 16 May 2017 19:01:35 +0000 Do you sell products with multiple options or variants? The most obvious example is clothing, available in different sizes and colors, but product options can be necessary in many industries. Selling books? You may need to offer hardcover and paperback variations. How about selling tools and hardware? You’ll need to specify all kinds of measurements! […]

The post Unlimited Product Options or Variants appeared first on Shift4Shop.

Do you sell products with multiple options or variants? The most obvious example is clothing, available in different sizes and colors, but product options can be necessary in many industries. Selling books? You may need to offer hardcover and paperback variations. How about selling tools and hardware? You’ll need to specify all kinds of measurements!

Shift4Shop makes product options easy by removing all limits on number of options and allowing you to include all the possible variants you’ll ever need. Create, sort, and display different sets of options that can be completely customized for your products. Your customers will be able to quickly and easily select exactly what they are looking for. Unlike other carts with only a dropdown menu, Shift4Shop also allows you to choose radio buttons, check boxes for selecting multiple options at once, text fields for personalization, and more. If these aren’t enough, Advanced Options are also available to help you address product variants that are significantly different in factors such as weight, size, or number in stock.

Top Features

  • Unlimited product options
  • Settings available for single and multiple option selections
  • Standard options include radio buttons, checkboxes, and dropdowns
  • Text customization with text boxes or text areas, including character limits
  • Advanced Options include Dropdown Image, File Upload, Quantity Boxes, One-time fees, Dropdown percentage and more



Shift4Shop’s Product Options Features

Unlimited Product Options Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I have to create all the options manually for every product?

Not necessarily. You can create options per category, if all the products in that category have the same options. This can be a huge time-saver.

  • Can I copy product options from one product to another?

The easiest way to do this is to create an Options Template, which you can copy to multiple products. Then, you can edit the products directly without altering the template.

  • Can I show an image of every product option?

Yes, you can enable the Drop Image feature and specify images for each option.

Unlimited Product Options Feature Testimonials

“I was actually dreading putting my inventory online because it has so many variants. I sell printed T-shirts so you can imagine all the options like size and color really add up quickly. I was extremely happy to find out that Shift4Shop made it so easy to make all these available to my customers. Every combination of color and size, just like that. “

May 16, 2017

The post Unlimited Product Options or Variants appeared first on Shift4Shop.

Unlimited Product Categories and SmartCategories Tue, 16 May 2017 18:54:21 +0000 Product categories are absolutely necessary for helping your customers find what they’re looking for. Properly categorized items make shopping easy and are great for sales. However, poorly-organized categories can turn customers away, so Shift4Shop makes it easy to use categories to your best advantage! With Shift4Shop, you can specify an unlimited number of categories to […]

The post Unlimited Product Categories and SmartCategories appeared first on Shift4Shop.

Product categories are absolutely necessary for helping your customers find what they’re looking for. Properly categorized items make shopping easy and are great for sales. However, poorly-organized categories can turn customers away, so Shift4Shop makes it easy to use categories to your best advantage!

With Shift4Shop, you can specify an unlimited number of categories to organize your products. Additionally, you can utilize SmartCategories to automatically classify products based on specific criteria, such as New Releases, Sale Items, Free Shipping Items, or a keyword search. Your customers will be able to quickly and easily find the products that interest them.

Top Features

  • Unlimited product categories for superior organization
  • SmartCategories to dynamically categorize sale items, new releases, and more
  • Categories can be nested to create subcategories as needed


Shift4Shop’s Product Categories in Action

Shift4Shop’s Categories and SmartCategories Gallery

Categories and SmartCategories Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I make subcategories inside other categories?

Yes, you can designate subcategories and nest them inside other categories, creating a comprehensive category structure such as Clothing/Women’s/Pants/Jeans.

  • Can I upload my categories with a spreadsheet?

Yes, you can import categories from a CSV file. Instructions to do so are found at the Shift4Shop Knowledgebase: How do I import Categories via CSV?

  • Can I rename or otherwise change existing categories?

Yes, you can rename or alter details of your categories as needed. You can always find your categories under Products in the left-hand navigation of your Shift4Shop Online Store Builder.

Categories and SmartCategories Feature Testimonials

“I really love the SmartCategories especially because I don’t have to do much, and automatically all my sale items are together. I have customers that browse the On Sale category exclusively. Thanks to 3dcart that category is created automatically and ready to go, so those bargain-hunting customers are targeted with no extra input from me.”

May 16, 2017

The post Unlimited Product Categories and SmartCategories appeared first on Shift4Shop.

Product Images, Zoom, and Video Features Tue, 16 May 2017 18:03:01 +0000 As attractive as online shopping can be, customers do have some advantages when visiting a brick-and-mortar store where they can see and inspect the products in person. A smart eCommerce merchant does their best to simulate this opportunity through their website, allowing customers to see items from all angles, zoom in for close inspection, and […]

The post Product Images, Zoom, and Video Features appeared first on Shift4Shop.

As attractive as online shopping can be, customers do have some advantages when visiting a brick-and-mortar store where they can see and inspect the products in person. A smart eCommerce merchant does their best to simulate this opportunity through their website, allowing customers to see items from all angles, zoom in for close inspection, and even watch videos of the product before buying.

Shift4Shop has all the tools for you to provide these features to your customers, allowing them to inspect your products to their hearts’ content. Upload as many product images as you want, and with Dynamic Zoom customers can go over small details. Create photo galleries and embed product videos to help shoppers make their purchase decisions and cut down on returns.

Top Features

  • Unlimited product images
  • Dynamic Zoom to allow customers a closer look
  • Embed videos with ease


Shift4Shop’s Product Images, Zoom and Video Features in Action

Shift4Shop’s Product Images, Zoom, and Video Features Gallery


Product Images, Zoom, and Video Features Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I upload a large number of images at once?

The Image Upload feature in your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager can upload up to 8 images at a time, but if you need to upload, even more, you can use FTP. For more information, read How Do I Upload My Product Images?

  • What are the advantages of Dynamic Zoom?

The customer will be able to move the mouse over your product image to smoothly zoom in on any part of the image they like, cutting down the number of individual “detail” photos you might need to provide.

  • What is the best way to put videos on my store?

You save a lot of bandwidth by uploading your videos to YouTube, Google Video, or Vimeo and embedding them into your page. One quick way to do this is by using the Insert Video link on the WYSIWYG editor and pasting in the video URL.

Product Images, Zoom, and Video Features Testimonials

“I love having the ability to really show off my products. I use high-resolution images and video to make sure my customers can get a real idea of what they’re buying. I used to get a lot of pre-purchase questions that now mostly stopped since I added the extra pics and videos. Not only that, but I barely get any returns anymore, since everyone knows exactly what they’re buying!”

May 16, 2017

The post Product Images, Zoom, and Video Features appeared first on Shift4Shop.

Email-a-Friend Product Referral Feature Tue, 18 Apr 2017 14:16:42 +0000 Shift4Shop makes it quick and easy for your customers to spread the word about your products, and one means of doing so is the Email a Friend feature! With a single click, a customer can inform a friend about an item, potentially earning you a new customer. It’s easy for the recipient too, as all […]

The post Email-a-Friend Product Referral Feature appeared first on Shift4Shop.

Shift4Shop makes it quick and easy for your customers to spread the word about your products, and one means of doing so is the Email a Friend feature! With a single click, a customer can inform a friend about an item, potentially earning you a new customer. It’s easy for the recipient too, as all they need to do is click a link in the email and they’ll be brought right to your store.

The Email a Friend feature is included free in every Shift4Shop store, and you have full editing access to customize the sent email to perfectly match your site and brand. Take advantage of this powerful sales tool.

Shift4Shop’s Email a Friend Feature Gallery


Email a Friend Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I customize the Email a Friend email template?

In your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager, click Settings, followed by Design, and then Emails. The template you are looking for is called Recommend a Friend. Click its Actions button and then click Edit.

  • What if I want to turn this feature off temporarily?

Go to Email a Friend in your list of Modules, and you will see the checkbox that enables and disables this feature.

  • Can I include a coupon in the recommendation email?

Yes! Since you can fully customize the email, you can add anything you wish, including coupon codes.


Email a Friend Feature Testimonials

“I always thought this was a cool feature for a store to have, and I was glad to see it in 3dcart. In fact the store already had it enabled from the beginning. I barely had to do anything, I only made some customizations to the email which were pretty easy to do. It works how I want it to. Easy.”

April 18, 2017

The post Email-a-Friend Product Referral Feature appeared first on Shift4Shop.
