Must-have ecommerce features to build an online store Wed, 31 Aug 2022 19:50:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blog Subscriptions Thu, 20 May 2021 20:54:39 +0000 Blogging is a crucial part of any eCommerce content marketing strategy. Blog articles gain SEO rank over time, especially if the content is valuable to the readers. But, of course, that’s not the only purpose of your blog: it’s not just for SEO and getting discovered by new customers. Your blog is also meant to […]

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Blogging is a crucial part of any eCommerce content marketing strategy. Blog articles gain SEO rank over time, especially if the content is valuable to the readers. But, of course, that’s not the only purpose of your blog: it’s not just for SEO and getting discovered by new customers. Your blog is also meant to help your existing customers and other visitors who are looking for the type of information you provide.

With Shift4Shop’s Blog Subscriptions, merchants can give customers the option to subscribe to the blog. Subscribers will receive a customizable email with the content of the new article, or change it to simply alert them of a new post. You’ll also have easy-to-use tools to see, search, and manage all your subscribers. Keeping your customers informed has never been easier.

Top Features

  • Let readers subscribe to receive an email when you post a new blog article
  • Fully customize the email to suit your branding and needs
  • See and manage all subscribers at any time


Blog Subscriptions Frequently Asked Questions

  • I’ve upgraded to Plus, but I don’t see a Blog Subscription module. Where is it?

Blog Subscriptions are not a separate module, it is a feature added to the regular Blog. You’ll find the subscription settings within the Blog settings. Access the Blog by visiting Content, and then Blog, in the left-hand navigation of your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager. The Settings button will be in the upper right of the screen.

  • What is in the email sent to subscribers?

By default, every time you post a blog article, a full copy will be emailed to subscribers (they can read the blog in their email, but will still need to visit your site to post comments). You can change this by editing the template email in the Blog settings.

  • Can customers easily unsubscribe from the blog?

Yes, by default, the blog email template includes an unsubscribe link. This will let the customer unsubscribe from blog emails without unsubscribing from any other marketing emails from your store that they may have opted into.


Blog Subscriptions Feature Testimonials

I actually had people requesting a way to subscribe to my blog, so I was really glad when this feature was added. My customers are a fairly loyal group because of my niche (fine art) so they enjoyed reading my typical blog posts which are about the next pieces I’m creating. Basically a preview of in-progress pieces before they’re ready to be added to the store. I’ve gotten a lot of good feedback from fans who enjoy getting my blogs right in their email to read over their morning coffee. I’ve even had preorders come in because customers learned through the blog emails about my upcoming work

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Shift4Shop’s Promotion Scheduling Feature Thu, 20 May 2021 20:35:01 +0000 Sometimes you might want to run a promotion that relies on strict timing. For example, maybe you want to set up a “flash sale” on your eCommerce website that only lasts for a few hours. Maybe you’re even thinking about running this type of sale every week. Naturally, promotions that rely on timing would take […]

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Sometimes you might want to run a promotion that relies on strict timing. For example, maybe you want to set up a “flash sale” on your eCommerce website that only lasts for a few hours. Maybe you’re even thinking about running this type of sale every week. Naturally, promotions that rely on timing would take some extra effort from you, as you’d need to ensure you started and stopped the promotion at the right times.

With Shift4Shop’s Promotion Scheduler comes in handy. It expands on the tools already included in our Promotion Manager to give you more precise control over the timing of products going on sale. In addition to selecting a day for the promotion to start and stop, you can choose an exact time as well. You can also use the Promotion Scheduler to automatically apply a coupon code to all orders within a period of time, which expands the Promotion Scheduler to cover almost all types of promotions.

Top Features

  • Set a precise date and time for promotions on individual products
  • Set a timeframe during which a specific coupon code automatically applies to all orders
  • Excite your customers and lighten your workload at the same time with greater control over promotion timing


Promotion Scheduler Frequently Asked Questions

  • How is the Promotion Scheduler different from the scheduling in the regular Promotion Manager?

The regular Promotion Manager lets you choose a start and end date for promotions, but not a specific time. So, if you wanted to run a promotion where timing was important, you would need to accomplish this in other ways such as manually enabling and disabling the promotion. The Promotion Scheduler lets you define a specific time for promotions to start and end, so you don’t have to do it manually. This is especially useful if you want to create many timed promotions, as you can “set and forget” them and they will start and stop when you intended.

  • The description says I can use the Promotion Scheduler to put individual products on sale or to apply a coupon code to all purchases for the timeframe I set. How do I make it work with other types of promotions I can set up in the Promotion Manager, like free shipping or BOGO deals?

Simply create the promotion as normal within the Promotion Manager, and select the option to require a coupon code. Then use that coupon code when setting up the promotion in the Promotion Scheduler.

  • How do I get the Promotion Scheduler to work on my Shift4Shop store?

First, make sure you are using the Shift4Shop’s Plus plan or higher. Next, enable the module and also make sure the Scheduled Scripts module is enabled. If you want to run a promotion that starts on the same day you’ve set it up, make sure the promotion is set to activate after the Scheduled Script has already run. You’ll be able to see this in the Scheduled Scripts settings..


Promotion Scheduler Feature Testimonials

I like all the promotion tools in Shift4Shop and I experiment with them a lot. When I raised my plan and got the Promotion Scheduler it gave me even more options to experiment with. I really enjoy that I can put such tight timing on promotions, schedule a ton of them in advance, and have all kinds of sales events without needing to babysit my store

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Shift4Shop’s Customer Specific Price Lists Mon, 26 Apr 2021 16:53:18 +0000 Customer relationships are central to doing business. All businesses need the right tools to build and maintain these relationships, but some have additional needs. B2B merchants in particular often work one-on-one with specific customers to reach certain agreements. These types of agreements can include special pricing just for that customer. With Shift4Shop’s Customer-Specific Price Lists, […]

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Customer relationships are central to doing business. All businesses need the right tools to build and maintain these relationships, but some have additional needs. B2B merchants in particular often work one-on-one with specific customers to reach certain agreements. These types of agreements can include special pricing just for that customer.

With Shift4Shop’s Customer-Specific Price Lists, you can create a custom list of products and give them special pricing only available to customers you choose. This flexible module allows you to quickly build custom price lists using a built-in search function and create as many price lists as you need. Customer-Specific Price Lists are automatically available in Shift4Shop B2B and Enterprise plans.

Top Features

  • Create lists of products with custom pricing to assign to customers
  • Build price lists quickly with a search feature, including SKUs and more
  • Add products to any number of lists, assign multiple lists to customers, and assign multiple customers to use the same lists as needed


Customer-Specific Price Lists Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are there any limits to the price lists I can create?

You can create unlimited price lists, and each can have any number of products on it. There are also no restrictions to how many lists can be assigned to a customer, or how many customers can be assigned to any particular list.

  • How do multiple price lists interact with each other if I have customers and products on more than one list?

Products can be on as many different lists as needed, and customers can have multiple lists assigned to them. If a customer is assigned multiple price lists that have the same product on them, the customer will have access to the highest of the prices for that product from the lists.

  • Can I create price lists by importing a CSV file?

Yes, the Customer-Specific Price Lists module has both CSV import and export features to make the process smoother and help you keep records of your lists as needed.


Customer-Specific Price Lists Feature Testimonials

I run a B2B store and it’s all based on negotiations with our customers. The Price List feature is very useful because it allows me to further fine-tune the negotiations to offer custom pricing on any product, without affecting pricing for other customers whatsoever. However, it’s also great that I have the Price Lists set up so I can actually apply them to other customers if I should ever want to. I have never seen an easier way to offer custom pricing to specific customers.

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Kount Fraud Protection Integration Thu, 18 Mar 2021 21:32:47 +0000 Protecting your business from fraudulent transactions is one of the most crucial aspects of eCommerce. A fraudulent purchase can cause all kinds of problems. The customer who owns the stolen credit card will file a chargeback, which harms your business’s reputation among payment processors, and if you sent out the fraudulent order, you’ll lose products […]

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Protecting your business from fraudulent transactions is one of the most crucial aspects of eCommerce. A fraudulent purchase can cause all kinds of problems. The customer who owns the stolen credit card will file a chargeback, which harms your business’s reputation among payment processors, and if you sent out the fraudulent order, you’ll lose products as well. This is why your business needs a reliable fraud protection system that can mitigate fraud before it happens.

Kount is an AI-driven, industry-leading fraud prevention service that covers the entire customer journey. It helps stop fraudulent purchases by comparing customer data and purchase habits to prevent stolen card usage and reduce “friendly fraud,” while cutting down on false positives that could cause you to miss a legitimate sale. Full integration with Kount is built right into Shift4Shop so you can benefit from this protection from day one.

Top Features

  • Drastically reduce fraudulent purchases including both criminal fraud and friendly fraud
  • Reliable AI-based automation that saves time by reducing the number of potentially fraudulent purchases that need to be manually reviewed
  • Decrease false positives by up to 70% over other anti-fraud solutions, ensuring more legitimate sales
  • Check for fraud with zero friction for customers, and identify good customers to help improve their experience on your store


Kount Integration Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is “friendly fraud” and how does Kount reduce it?

Friendly fraud is a type of fraud in which a customer’s credit card is not stolen — instead, in friendly fraud, a customer makes a purchase and then performs a chargeback to recover their money. Often, the fraudulent customer will claim their card was stolen or used without their knowledge. Other times the customer will claim they never received their purchase. Sometimes friendly fraud is an accident (the customer truly doesn’t recognize the charge) but other times it’s done maliciously.

Kount includes specialized tools for combating friendly fraud which most fraud solutions overlook. The key is the ability to use AI and gathered data to help determine between criminal fraud and friendly fraud, as well as to identify the type of friendly fraud as it occurs. For example, friendly fraud can be divided into types such as accidental, intentional, shared card, merchant error, and more. Kount’s ability to address these different types of fraud is a huge piece of the fraud prevention puzzle

  • How do I access Kount on my Shift4Shop store?

Kount is fully integrated into our platform and will automatically be enabled for all Shift4Shop merchants who complete the Shift4 Payment setup.

  • How does Kount work together with Shift4Shop?

Our complete Kount integration passes gathered accept/decline information from your store to Kount to help grow and improve their AI model. On your end, your Shift4Shop store will use Kount’s Omniscore system to help identify potential fraud and stop it in its tracks.


Kount Integration Testimonials

Kount has been a game-changer for reducing fraud on my store. I think the best part is that I don’t have to manually review nearly as many transactions, because the AI is just that good. Speaking of which I also appreciate the reduction in false positives. It’s a huge improvement over the previous anti-fraud system we were using.

The post Kount Fraud Protection Integration appeared first on Shift4Shop.

Checkout Additional Fees Tue, 27 Oct 2020 20:18:03 +0000 Sometimes you may want to add an option to your checkout that gives your customers something extra for a fee. For example, you could offer rush fulfillment to get their order out the door faster than your usual process would allow. For custom products, maybe you want to let the customer pay extra to speed […]

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Sometimes you may want to add an option to your checkout that gives your customers something extra for a fee. For example, you could offer rush fulfillment to get their order out the door faster than your usual process would allow. For custom products, maybe you want to let the customer pay extra to speed up your production timeframe on their order.

Shift4Shop’s Checkout Additional Fees module is made for this. This flexible feature allows you to create checkout selections that will add a fee to the customer’s order depending on their selection. This means you can offer any extra service you can think of to go along with their order. Checkout Additional Fees can help you serve your customers better and increase order values without raising prices on your products. It’s included free in Shift4Shop End-to-End eCommerce, and also available separately in the App Store.

Top Features

  • Create checkout questions that add an extra charge to a customer’s order depending on their selection
  • Base the fee on a flat amount or a percentage of the customer’s order
  • Use a dropdown menu or radio buttons, optionally require the customer to make a selection before they proceed, and more

Shift4Shop’s Checkout Additional Fees in Action


Shift4Shop’s Checkout Additional Fees Gallery


Checkout Additional Fees Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are Checkout Additional Fees for gift wrapping, handling charges, etc.?

While you can use Checkout Additional Fees in any way you desire, Shift4Shop already has built-in features for many other types of “extras” including gift wrapping and handling charges. Checkout Additional Fees are great for fees that don’t fit into any type that has a pre-existing tool. But you can use it however you feel is best for your business.

  • If I set the fee as “Required” is it always going to force the customer to pay the extra fee?

Not necessarily. Setting fees to be required simply makes the customer choose before they can proceed with checkout. The selections you give them could be “Yes” and “No,” with only “Yes” applying the fee. This ensures the customer has seen the extra fee option, which could be something like “Do you want rush fulfillment on this order for an extra charge?”

  • How do I get Checkout Additional Fees on my Shift4Shop store?

If your store is on our free End-to-End eCommerce plan, or on Shift4Shop Pro or higher, you can activate Checkout Additional Fees in the Modules section of your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager. Otherwise, you can buy Checkout Additional Fees in the Shift4Shop App Store to make it available.


Checkout Additional Fees Feature Testimonials

“I do custom woodworking, and I like to let customers pay extra for me to build their product faster. Basically they’re paying me to work overtime to hurry up my production. Checkout Additional Fees makes it really easy to set this up. I know how many hours it takes me to build any given project, so I can offer a list of production timeframes and charge accordingly for the overtime hours it would take me to finish their order within that period. Turns out customers don’t mind paying extra when they can get their custom-built product sooner, especially if they need it in a hurry, like for a birthday gift. It works out for me and for them too!.”

October 27, 2020

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Shift4Shop’s In-Store Pickup Module Tue, 27 Oct 2020 19:58:37 +0000 Customers always appreciate convenience. A big part of that is being able to shop how they want to. If you sell from a brick-and-mortar location, many of your customers may want an in-store pickup option. This allows them to place their order online and then come to your location to collect their purchase, rather than […]

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Customers always appreciate convenience. A big part of that is being able to shop how they want to. If you sell from a brick-and-mortar location, many of your customers may want an in-store pickup option. This allows them to place their order online and then come to your location to collect their purchase, rather than needing to wait for shipping. It’s also a great substitute for needing to spend time shopping in your store.

While you can set up in-store pickup using Shift4Shop’s main shipping options, our In-Store Pickup module is a specialized built-in feature for offering this to your customers. It provides a streamlined method for setting up in-store pickup and choosing which products qualify.

Top Features

  • Set a physical location for in-store pickup, including your address and operational hours
  • Choose products that qualify for in-store pickup, and choose to restrict them to this option only, regular shipping only, or make both options available
  • CSV import and export for applying these settings to many products all at once


Shift4Shop’s In-Store Pickup Gallery


In-Store Pickup Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I get the In-Store Pickup module on my Shift4Shop store?

To use the In-Store Pickup module, first ensure that you are using a Core theme. Then, go into the Modules section of your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager and locate the In-Store Pickup module (using the search bar makes this faster). Check the box to enable the module, then click Save. The module is now active and ready for you to set up.

  • Can I change the labels related to how in-store pickup appears on my website?

Yes, you can change all the verbiage in the Store Language settings of your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager.

  • What if I want to offer regular shipping and in-store pickup on the same product?

Simply choose the setting that allows both (“Available for in-store pickup”) and customers will be able to select their preference from a dropdown menu at checkout.


In-Store Pickup Feature Testimonials

“When COVID-19 hit, I needed a safe way to let my existing customers continue to shop. Thankfully I found Shift4Shop, even though my business wasn’t even online at that point (we were just a local hardware store). I was able to quickly set up an online store and emailed all my customers to let them know. Now they can place their orders and pick everything up curbside instead of coming into the building. We’re definitely planning to keep this system after the pandemic, as an alternative for people who want to order from home and save time. Thanks, Shift4Shop!”

October 27, 2020

The post Shift4Shop’s In-Store Pickup Module appeared first on Shift4Shop.

Quick Edit Tab Thu, 09 Apr 2020 01:51:24 +0000 Building a website is a long process, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Even if you’re using a powerful eCommerce website builder like Shift4Shop, and you’re completely familiar and comfortable with the process, it’s still great to be able to streamline your workflow whenever possible. Nothing helps this goal more than quick, convenient access to […]

The post Quick Edit Tab appeared first on Shift4Shop.

Building a website is a long process, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Even if you’re using a powerful eCommerce website builder like Shift4Shop, and you’re completely familiar and comfortable with the process, it’s still great to be able to streamline your workflow whenever possible. Nothing helps this goal more than quick, convenient access to tools.

That’s why we’ve added the Quick Edit Tab to all our Core themes: so you can make changes instantly without needing to navigate through your dashboard. The Shift4Shop Quick Edit Tab, also called the Tools Widget, lets you instantly access several tools and settings for different parts of your website so you can make changes directly from your storefront. Just log into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager, install and activate a Core template on your site if you’re not already using one, and click “View Store.” From there, you’ll be able to access the Quick Edit Tab on key pages of your website so you can edit directly (and quickly)!

Top Features

  • Edit major parts of your Shift4Shop website directly from your storefront.
  • Adjust categories, including configuration and sorting, from the Category Page.
  • Add, remove, or change product details including options and images, right on the Product Page itself.


Shift4Shop’s Quick Edit Feature


Shift4Shop’s Quick Edit Tab Gallery


Quick Edit Tab Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why isn’t the Quick Edit Tab appearing on my site?

For the Quick Edit Tab to appear, your store must be using a Core theme and you need to be logged into your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager. If you are logged in, your theme may be the culprit — check that you’re using a Core theme, all of which are available in the Shift4Shop theme store. Many of Shift4Shop’s older themes have been replaced with an updated Core version.

  • What pages can I edit with the Quick Edit Tab?

You can edit the information and various features of your Home Page, Category Pages, and Product Pages. For Product Pages, this includes editing aspects of the product itself, like its information, images, options, and more.

  • Can I edit my website’s appearance with the Quick Edit Tab?

Yes, you can access the HTML template editor for the page in question, but if you’re not comfortable with code, you should use the Theme Editor and/or HTML builder for this purpose. Both allow you to make appearance changes while viewing them on your storefront in real time.

Quick Edit Tab Testimonials

“I’m going to be blunt here: I hate working on websites. Even though 3dcart makes it really easy to set up different pages from inside the dashboard, I feel more comfortable if I have the final results right in front of me. It was great when they introduced the Quick Edit widget. It even lets you make changes to things you wouldn’t expect, like product sorting for categories, so I find it really helpful.”

Anonymous April 8, 2020

The post Quick Edit Tab appeared first on Shift4Shop.

Order Quote System Wed, 08 Apr 2020 22:02:14 +0000 Depending on your business, you may need to offer quoted pricing to customers based on their specific needs. This is necessary for many types of custom orders, services, and more. Businesses using this model also need a method for the customer to accept the quote and make their payment. With Shift4Shop, you can create custom […]

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Depending on your business, you may need to offer quoted pricing to customers based on their specific needs. This is necessary for many types of custom orders, services, and more. Businesses using this model also need a method for the customer to accept the quote and make their payment. With Shift4Shop, you can create custom quote orders and accept payment for them using our built-in tools.

Shift4Shop’s Order Quotes module provides an easy system for setting up quoted pricing via manual order creation. Manual order creation allows you to set up an order for a customer within your Shift4Shop dashboard so you can take orders via phone or mail. With the Order Quotes module, you can create a quote in the same way as you’d set up a manual order. Your customer will automatically receive an email with the details and a link to the quote, and can make their payment by going through checkout on your website normally. You can set an expiration date for the quote, change it as needed, and even restrict the customer from viewing other parts of your website until they accept.

Top Features

  • Create a custom pricing quote the customer can pay on your website.
  • Choose an expiration date, as well as whether to “lock” customers at checkout so they can view only their quote until they go through with the purchase.
  • Edit quotes freely as you negotiate with the customer.


Shift4Shop’s Order Quotes Module


Shift4Shop’s Order Quotes Feature Gallery


Shift4Shop’s Order Quotes Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I get the Order Quotes feature?

The Order Quotes feature is included by default on the free End-to-End eCommerce plan as well as the Shift4Shop Pro plan and up. Once you have the module available, you can activate it and set it up in your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager’s Modules section. Activating the module also creates a specific Offline Payment Method and Order Status, each called “Quote,” for organizational purposes in your store. It also generates the Quote Email Template which you are free to edit.

  • When do quoted orders reflect in my sales reporting?

A quoted order will not appear in your sales reports when created, but will be added to your reporting data once the customer completes the order. This ensures your sales reporting is accurate and only shows completed sales, not pending orders.

  • What happens if the customer refuses the quote or doesn’t make the purchase?

If the customer dislikes the quote, it’s up to you to decide if you’re willing to negotiate with them — and if you do, you can edit the quote to reflect the new pricing, or cancel it and create a new one from scratch. If the customer lets the quote expire, it will automatically move to your canceled orders.

Shift4Shop’s Order Quotes Feature Testimonials

“I sell hardware and furniture on my store and we were looking for a way to start offering installation services to local customers. The Quote system in 3dcart is exactly what we needed, since the installation costs are dependent on the purchase and how far the customer is from either of our locations. We’re able to offer repair services more easily now, too, so that’s another stream of income plus a chance to upsell to our repair clients.”

Anonymous April 8, 2020

The post Order Quote System appeared first on Shift4Shop.

Shift4Shop’s 2-Factor Authentication Fri, 21 Jun 2019 18:22:59 +0000 Many websites put users through multiple steps when logging into their accounts. This security measure adds additional obstacles to access, just in case passwords and other sensitive information fall into the hands of hackers. You can find this verification in websites where data security is vital, including banking sites and social media platforms. Now, you […]

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Many websites put users through multiple steps when logging into their accounts. This security measure adds additional obstacles to access, just in case passwords and other sensitive information fall into the hands of hackers. You can find this verification in websites where data security is vital, including banking sites and social media platforms. Now, you can find it on the platform where you run your business.

Shift4Shop’s 2-Factor Authentication stops anyone who is not you from accessing your login for the Shift4Shop Online Store Manager. With this service, you need two pieces of information to reach the Manager module: your password and a six-digit code provided by an authenticator app or service. That code changes every 30 seconds, so even if someone gets your password and a code, they will still be unable to invade your account.


Top Features

  • Increase your security to protect your business login
  • Provide fellow admins with their own authentication codes
  • Stay secure even if your password is compromised


Shift4Shop’s 2-Factor Authentication in Action


2-Factor Authentication Frequently Asked Questions

  • Which authenticator apps work with Shift4Shop’s 2-Factor system?

You can use either Authy Two-Factor Authentication (TFA) on the Authy App, or Google 2-Step Verification on the Google Authenticator App. Alternatively, you can set it up on your Google login account.

  • How do I connect the apps with Shift4Shop Online Store Manager?

Once you download the app of your choice, enter the Online Store Manager and visit Settings, then General, then Administrator Access. When you select “Authentication Settings,” you will see a QR code. Use the app to scan the QR code and you will receive a six-digit code. Upon entering it, you can enable 2-Factor Authentication for your user login.

  • Can I disable 2-Factor Authentication if I want?

As an admin user, you will always have the option to enable or disable this login feature. Under “Authentication Settings,” you can find the button to disable it for yourself, as well as for other users if you have Full Administrator permissions.


2-Factor Authentication Testimonials

“I know enough about the internet to know that I need security for the things I value, including the store that serves as my livelihood. 2-Factor Authentication keeps me one step ahead of the bad guys. Even if my password ends up floating out there, they won’t be able to get through the last step.”

The post Shift4Shop’s 2-Factor Authentication appeared first on Shift4Shop.

eCommerce Package Delivery Notifications Fri, 21 Jun 2019 15:43:12 +0000 When customers order a product from your site, they may feel a bit anxious or eager. This is a positive sign that your products are items that people truly want. However, when people wait for their orders to arrive, they may start to worry that it has been delayed indefinitely. If they wait too long […]

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When customers order a product from your site, they may feel a bit anxious or eager. This is a positive sign that your products are items that people truly want. However, when people wait for their orders to arrive, they may start to worry that it has been delayed indefinitely. If they wait too long with no sign, they may grow impatient with the shipment and distrustful of your business. No one likes to be left in the dark.

Shift4Shop’s Carrier Delivery Notifications can keep your customers informed and satisfied. With this module, your website’s software can automatically send emails when the order is first shipped out and when it reaches its destination. Instead of wondering if their purchased products have arrived or even left the warehouse yet, your customers can now know for sure. That means less phone calls, greater satisfaction, and a smoother shipping experience.



Top Features

  • Reduce the number of support calls
  • Receive additional confirmation of delivery, for authenticity


Carrier Delivery Notifications in Action


Carrier Delivery Notifications Frequently Asked Questions

  • At what points in the shipping process do customers receive emails?

Customers receive their first email when their order has been packaged and sent on its way to the customer, or out for delivery. The second message comes when the carrier confirms that it has been delivered, which is why it is known as delivery confirmation.

  • How does the module know when the delivery has been shipped and delivered?

This software keeps an eye on two pieces of information: the tracking number for the order, and the status of the order with that number on the carrier’s database. When the status on that order is changed to “Out for delivery” and “Delivered,” it automatically triggers the emails.

  • Which shipping carriers are compatible with Carrier Delivery Notifications?

You can send these notification emails on orders made through UPS, USPS, and FedEx.


Carrier Delivery Notifications Feature Testimonials

“We used to get calls from impatient or worried customers asking when their delivery would arrive. We didn’t think we could do much about it because that’s just how business is. Well, Carrier Delivery Notifications cut that number down big-time and proved that there are solutions for any problems you face in running a store.”

The post eCommerce Package Delivery Notifications appeared first on Shift4Shop.
