Change the design of your Database Feed Pages
Purpose: These templates display a list of the store's database feeds. Database feeds can be set up in the "Extra Pages" section of the 3dcart Online Store Manager's Settings ->Design ->Site Content area. There are three main Feed layouts available, but additional layouts can be created by naming the template feed_page_3, 4, etc. The default feed template is feed_page_0.html, however, if you would like to specify a different feed template for a particular database feed, this can be done by selecting a different template from ther dropdown on the database feeds page.
Note: The store's pre-created Terms and Conditions page is an example of a Database Feed.
Note: It is important to preserve the commented tags to ensure the software performs correctly.
For example:
<!--START: BODY_HEADER--> [PAGE_FULLLINE] [htmlpage] <!--END: BODY_HEADER--> <!--START: SUB_PAGES--> <!--START: SUB_PAGES_FORMAT--> [id] [extra] [sub_pages_title] <!--END: SUB_PAGES_FORMAT--> <!--END: SUB_PAGES--> [content] <!--START: feeds_index--> <!--START: feeds_index_link--> [id] [feed_title] <!--END: feeds_index_link--> <!--END: feeds_index--> <!--START: feedblock--> [id] [feed_title] [feed_created] <!--START: feed_author--> [feed_author] <!--END: feed_author--> [feed_shortdescription] <!--START: feed_description--> [feedlink] [feeds_morelink] <!--END: feed_description--> <!--END: feedblock--> <!--START: rss_link--> [pageid] <!--END: rss_link--> <!--START: PAGING--> [category_moreresults] <!--START: PREV--> [id] [extra] [prev] [category_previouspage] <!--END: PREV--> <!--START: PAGES--> <!--START: FIRST_PAGE--> [id] [extra] [PAGE] <!--END: FIRST_PAGE--> <!--START: PAGES_SELECTED--> [PAGE] <!--END: PAGES_SELECTED--> <!--START: PAGES_NOTSELECTED--> [id] [extra] <!--END: PAGES_NOTSELECTED--> <!--START: LAST_PAGE--> [id] [extra] [PAGE] <!--END: LAST_PAGE--> <!--END: PAGES--> <!--START: NEXT--> [id] [extra] [next] [category_nextpage] <!--END: NEXT--> <!--END: PAGING-->
Note: Code blocks and their respective variables will only work with specific template pages.
Note: Several of these variables are used in multiple places on the page, with their dynamic content controlled by the code block used in each instance.