Purpose: This template defines the design for the invoices that are printed from 3dcart’s Online Store Manager.
Note: It is important to preserve the commented tags to ensure the software performs correctly.
For example:
<!--START: pagebreak-->
<!--END: pagebreak-->
<!--START: Confirmation-->
<!--START: invoicelogo-->
<!--END: invoicelogo-->
<!--START: address2-->
<!--END: address2-->
<!--START: phone1-->
<!--END: phone1-->
<!--START: salesperson-->
<!--END: salesperson-->
<!--START: ocompany-->
<!--END: ocompany-->
<!--START: oaddress2-->
<!--END: oaddress2-->
<!--START: ophone-->
<!--END: ophone-->
<!--START: oemail-->
<!--END: oemail-->
<!--START: shipping_address-->
<!--START: oshipcompany-->
<!--END: oshipcompany-->
<!--START: oshipaddress2-->
<!--END: oshipaddress2-->
<!--END: shipping_address-->
<!--START: shipping_multiple-->
<!--START: shipment-->
<!--END: shipment-->
<!--END: shipping_multiple-->
<!--START: shipping_info-->
<!--START: trackingcode-->
<!--END: trackingcode-->
<!--START: oshippeddate-->
<!--END: oshippeddate-->
<!--END: shipping_info-->
<!--START: opaymethod-->
<!--END: opaymethod-->
<!--START: shipment_header-->
<!--START: oshipcompany-->
<!--END: oshipcompany-->
<!--START: oshipmethod-->
<!--END: oshipmethod-->
<!--START: trackingcode-->
<!--END: trackingcode-->
<!--END: shipment_header-->
<!--START: items-->
<!--END: items-->
<!--START: ocomment-->
<!--END: ocomment-->
<!--START: invoice_terms-->
<!--END: invoice_terms-->
<!--START: TAX2-->
<!--END: TAX2-->
<!--START: TAX3-->
<!--END: TAX3-->
<!--END: Confirmation-->
<!--START: discounts_block-->
<!--START: discounts-->
<!--END: discounts-->
<!--END: discounts_block-->
<!--START: certificates_block-->
<!--START: certificates-->
<!--END: certificates-->
<!--END: certificates_block-->
<!--START: checkoutquestions1-->
<!--START: question1-->
<!--END: question1-->
<!--END: checkoutquestions1-->
<!--START: checkoutquestions2-->
<!--START: question2-->
<!--END: question2-->
<!--END: checkoutquestions2-->
<!--START: checkoutquestions3-->
<!--START: question3-->
<!--END: question3-->
<!--END: checkoutquestions3-->
Note: Code blocks and their respective variables will only work with specific template pages.
Note: Several of these variables are used in multiple places on the page, with their dynamic content controlled by the code block used in each instance.
- [company] - Inserts the Company Name information. (See Settings ->Design ->Merchant Information)
- [invoicelogo] - Inserts the Invoice Logo. (See Settings ->Design ->Merchant Information)
- [address1] - Inserts the store's Address information. (See Settings ->Design ->Merchant Information)
- [address2] - Inserts the Store's Suite/Apt# informaiton if applicable. (See Settings ->Design ->Merchant Information)
- [city] - Inserts the Store's City information. (See Settings ->Design ->Merchant Information)
- [state] - Inserts the Store's State information. (See Settings ->Design ->Merchant Information)
- [zip] - Inserts the Store's Zip information. (See Settings ->Design ->Merchant Information)
- [country] - Inserts the Store's Country information. (See Settings ->Design ->Merchant Information)
- [phone1] - Inserts the Store's Phone information. (See Settings ->Design ->Merchant Information)
- [odate_month] - Inserts the Month on which the order was created.
- [odate_day] - Inserts the Day on which the order was created.
- [odate_year] - Inserts the Year in which the order was created.
- [invoiceprefix] - Inserts the order's Prefix.
- [invoicenum] - Inserts the order's Invoice number.
- [salesperson] - Inserts the Sales Person recorded on the order.
- [ofirstname] - Inserts the Shopper's Billing First Name information.
- [olastname] - Inserts the Shopper's Billing Last Name information.
- [ocompany] - Inserts the Shopper's Billing Company information.
- [oaddress] - Inserts the Shopper's Billing Address information.
- [oaddress2] - Inserts the Shopper's Billing Suite/Apt# information if applicable.
- [ocity] - Inserts the Shopper's Billing City information.
- [ostate] - Inserts the Shopper's Billing State information.
- [ozip] - Inserts the Shopper's Billing Zip/Postal Code information.
- [ocountry] - Inserts the Shopper's Billing Country information.
- [ophone] - Inserts the Shopper's Billing Phone information.
- [oemail] - Inserts the Shopper's Billing Email information.
- [oshipfirstname] - Inserts the Shopper's Shipping First Name information.
- [oshiplastname] - Inserts the Shopper's Shipping Last Name information.
- [oshipcompany] - Inserts the Shopper's Shipping Company information.
- [oshipaddress] - Inserts the Shopper's Shipping Address information.
- [oshipaddress2] - Inserts the Shopper's Shipping Suite/Apt# information if applicable.
- [oshipcity] - Inserts the Shopper's Shipping City information.
- [oshipstate] - Inserts the Shopper's Shipping State information.
- [oshipzip] - Inserts the Shopper's Shipping Zip/Postal Code information.
- [oshipcountry] - Inserts the Shopper's Shipping Country information.
- [num] - If the order is split into Multiple Shipments, this variable will insert each respective Shipment Number.
- [oshipmethod] - Inserts the order's Selected Shipping Method.
- [numberofitems] - Inserts the Number of Items on the order.
- [trackingcode] - Inserts the Shipment's individual tracking number.
- [oshippeddate] - Inserts the Order's Shipped on Date.
- [opaymethod] - Inserts the Payment Method used on the Order.
- [id] - Inserts the Item ID/SKU information of products purchased.
- [itemname] - Inserts the Item Name(s) of products purchased.
- [unitprice] - Inserts the Item's Unit Price.
- [numitems] - Inserts the ordered Quantity of Item units ordered.
- [subtotal] - Inserts the Item Subtotal. (Also used for Cart Subtotal)
- [ocomment] - Inserts any applicable Order Comments.
- [invoice_terms] - Inserts the Store's Invoice Terms. (See Settings ->Design ->Merchant Information)
- [discounts] - Inserts any applicable Order Discounts.
- [TAX] - Inserts the Charge for Tax.
- [TAX2] - If Tax 2 charging is used, this variable inserts the amount of Tax for Tax 2.
- [TAX3] - If Tax 3 charging is used, this variable inserts the amount of Tax for Tax 2.
- [shipping] - Inserts Shipping Charges on the order.
- [total] - Inserts the Cart Total.
- [promotion_name] - Inserts any applicable Promotion Names used on the order.
- [discount_amount] - Inserts the applicable Discount amount.
- [certificate_name] - Inserts any applicable Gift Certificates used on the order.
- [certificate_balance] - Inserts any applicable blance left on used Gift Certificates.
- [question] - Inserts any Checkout Questions applied to the order.
- [answer] - Inserts any Checkout Questions answered on the order.