Purpose: This templates defines the design of the packing slips that can be printed from the 3dcart Online Store Manger.
Note: The file is identical to the invoice_print.html, with the only difference being that no pricing information is displayed. If you would like to have Pricing displayed on the packing slips, the Code Blocks that contain the HTML for Pricing information are present on the template, but are merely commented out.
Additional Note: This template also contains a special Code Block for the item Warehouse Locations if the feature is enabled on the store. (See Settings ->General ->Store Settings)
Note: It is important to preserve the commented tags to ensure the software performs correctly.
For example:
<!--START: pagebreak-->
<!--END: pagebreak-->
<!--START: Confirmation-->
<!--START: invoicelogo-->
<!--END: invoicelogo-->
<!--START: address2-->
<!--END: address2-->
<!--START: salesperson-->
<!--END: salesperson-->
<!--START: ocompany-->
<!--END: ocompany-->
<!--START: oaddress2-->
<!--END: oaddress2-->
<!--START: ophone-->
<!--END: ophone-->
<!--START: oemail-->
<!--END: oemail-->
<!--START: oshipcompany-->
<!--END: oshipcompany-->
<!--START: oshipaddress2-->
<!--END: oshipaddress2-->
<!--START: trackingcode-->
<!--END: trackingcode-->
<!--START: oshippeddate-->
<!--END: oshippeddate-->
<!--START: items-->
<!--START: warehouse_location-->
<!--END: warehouse_location-->
<!--END: items-->
<!--START: ocomment-->
<!--END: ocomment-->
<!--START: invoice_terms-->
<!--END: invoice_terms-->
<!--END: Confirmation-->
Note: Code blocks and their respective variables will only work with specific template pages.
Note: Virtually all of these variables are dynamically populated by the data recroded on the order.
- [company] - Inserts the Company Name information. (See Settings ->Design ->Merchant Information)
- [invoicelogo] - Inserts the Invoice Logo. (See Settings ->Design ->Merchant Information)
- [address1] - Inserts the store's Address information. (See Settings ->Design ->Merchant Information)
- [address2] - Inserts the Store's Suite/Apt# informaiton if applicable. (See Settings ->Design ->Merchant Information)
- [city] - Inserts the Store's City information. (See Settings ->Design ->Merchant Information)
- [state] - Inserts the Store's State information. (See Settings ->Design ->Merchant Information)
- [zip] - Inserts the Store's Zip information. (See Settings ->Design ->Merchant Information)
- [odate_month] - Inserts the Month on which the order was created.
- [odate_day] - Inserts the Day on which the order was created.
- [odate_year] - Inserts the Year in which the order was created.
- [invoiceprefix] - Inserts the order's Prefix.
- [invoicenum] - Inserts the order's Invoice number.
- [salesperson] - Inserts the Sales Person recorded on the order.
- [ofirstname] - Inserts the Shopper's Billing First Name information.
- [olastname] - Inserts the Shopper's Billing Last Name information.
- [ocompany] - Inserts the Shopper's Billing Company information.
- [oaddress] - Inserts the Shopper's Billing Address information.
- [oaddress2] - Inserts the Shopper's Billing Suite/Apt# information if applicable.
- [ocity] - Inserts the Shopper's Billing City information.
- [ostate] - Inserts the Shopper's Billing State information.
- [ozip] - Inserts the Shopper's Billing Zip/Postal Code information.
- [ocountry] - Inserts the Shopper's Billing Country information.
- [ophone] - Inserts the Shopper's Billing Phone information.
- [oemail] - Inserts the Shopper's Billing Email information.
- [oshipfirstname] - Inserts the Shopper's Shipping First Name information.
- [oshiplastname] - Inserts the Shopper's Shipping Last Name information.
- [oshipcompany] - Inserts the Shopper's Shipping Company information.
- [oshipaddress] - Inserts the Shopper's Shipping Address information.
- [oshipaddress2] - Inserts the Shopper's Shipping Suite/Apt# information if applicable.
- [oshipcity] - Inserts the Shopper's Shipping City information.
- [oshipstate] - Inserts the Shopper's Shipping State information.
- [oshipzip] - Inserts the Shopper's Shipping Zip/Postal Code information.
- [oshipcountry] - Inserts the Shopper's Shipping Country information.
- [oshipmethod] - Inserts the order's Selected Shipping Method.
- [totalweight] - Inserts the Total Shipping weight of the order.
- [numberofitems] - Inserts the Number of Items on the order.
- [trackingcode] - Inserts the Shipment's individual tracking number.
- [oshippeddate] - Inserts the Order's Shipped on Date.
- [id] - Inserts the Item ID/SKU information of products purchased.
- [itemname] - Inserts the Item Name(s) of products purchased.
- [warehouse_location] - Inserts the Product's respective Warehouse Location Information.
- [warehouse_aisle] - Inserts the Product's respective Warehouse Location "Aisle" Information.
- [warehouse_bin] - Inserts the Product's respective Warehouse Location "Bin" Information.
- [warehouse_custom] - Inserts the Product's respective Warehouse Location "Custom" Information.
- [numitems] - Inserts the ordered Quantity of Item units ordered.
- [ocomment] - Inserts any applicable Order Comments.
- [invoice_terms] - Inserts the Store's Invoice Terms. (See Settings ->Design ->Merchant Information)