Your Shift4Shop store comes with a powerful built-in Newsletter Module. Newsletters can be very effective at forming a l...

Product Images, Zoom, and Video Features
As attractive as online shopping can be, customers do have some advantages when visiting a brick-and-mortar store where they can see and inspect the products in person. A smart eCommerce merchant does their best to simulate this opportunity through their website, allowing customers to see items from all angles, zoom in for close inspection, and even watch videos of the product before buying.
Shift4Shop has all the tools for you to provide these features to your customers, allowing them to inspect your products to their hearts’ content. Upload as many product images as you want, and with Dynamic Zoom customers can go over small details. Create photo galleries and embed product videos to help shoppers make their purchase decisions and cut down on returns.
Top Features
- Unlimited product images
- Dynamic Zoom to allow customers a closer look
- Embed videos with ease
Shift4Shop’s Product Images, Zoom and Video Features in Action
Shift4Shop’s Product Images, Zoom, and Video Features Gallery
Product Images, Zoom, and Video Features Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I upload a large number of images at once?
The Image Upload feature in your Shift4Shop Online Store Manager can upload up to 8 images at a time, but if you need to upload, even more, you can use FTP. For more information, read How Do I Upload My Product Images?
- What are the advantages of Dynamic Zoom?
The customer will be able to move the mouse over your product image to smoothly zoom in on any part of the image they like, cutting down the number of individual “detail” photos you might need to provide.
- What is the best way to put videos on my store?
You save a lot of bandwidth by uploading your videos to YouTube, Google Video, or Vimeo and embedding them into your page. One quick way to do this is by using the Insert Video link on the WYSIWYG editor and pasting in the video URL.
Product Images, Zoom, and Video Features Testimonials